How To Unclog A Bathtub Drain With Standing Water?

Standing water in the bathtub drains a widespread sight in bathrooms, and unclogging the drain seems like a challenging task. It not only hampers our daily activities but is unsanitary as well. The clogged drain can cause the water levels to rise until it spills over to the surrounding floor.

The sight is not only gruesome but is also unclean as it favors the growth of bacteria and other harmful microbes as well. Here are a few tips that you could use if you are suffering from standing water in tub drains to unclog it efficiently and without a mess.

 Why Do Tubs Get Clogged? 

Water in bathtub drains gets clogged when you’re not taking the proper precautions. Excessive use of napkins, toilet tissue papers, and other solid material accumulates in the sewage pipes near the bathtub and can clog.

Other particles like an accumulation of hair after taking a bath, concentrated soap foams, and dirt quickly tend to cling to the drain holes and block them. Using sanitary napkins and wipes beside the bathtubs and dumping them in the tubs without proper disposal can block the drains and gradually clog the water.

 Adverse Effects Of Standing Water 

Below are some of the effects of standing water.


When the water gets clogged, the pipes get corroded, and the damages can cause leaking. The resulting constant dripping creates an unhealthy environment in the bathroom. Leaks leave water stains, and standing water attracts insects that can infest your bathroom quickly and spread diseases.

 Dirt And Odors 

Clogged drains mean the buildup of water and an increase in humidity. As a result, the water develops a foul odor from insect infestation and bacterial growth. Waste material can also accumulate within the standing water in bathtub drains, further polluting the water, which releases a foul smell.

 Health Problems 

The unhealthy environment may produce lousy air, which is especially bad for asthma and respiratory problems patients. It may also lead to irritation and allergic manifestations.

 Unclogging Tubs with Stagnant Water 

These are the standard methods used to unclog tubs with stagnant water:

 Using Boiling Water 

Boiling water has a temperature that can quickly loosen up accumulated deposits and pave the way for the water to pass bit by bit. Pouring boiling water through the clogged drains is thus considered an effective way of getting rid of the standing water. Although this is a prolonged process and results require around an hour or two, the results are positive.

 Using Chemicals 

Chemicals that are designed for cleaning purposes can help in unclogging the drains to some extent. Although these chemicals may not be environmentally friendly, they might be used at times as your last resort.

Caustic soda, dishwashers, and detergents may be sufficient to eliminate the clogged water standing in the bathtub drains. Any other cleaning solution can be helpful, but it is always recommended to avoid chemicals.

 Using Natural Ingredients 

Baking soda followed by vinegar can be used in a 1:1 ratio to get rid of the clogged water as baking soda has cleansing properties, and vinegar prevents bacteria and foul odors from accumulating inside. A combination of these two ingredients is a perfect option to consider when you want to say no to toxic chemicals, mainly because they react with each other to give effervescent bubbles that speed up the process.

 Using A Bent Wire Hanger 

Using a small hook or straightening and bending a wire hanger to give it a hook shape can be your perfect instrument to fish out the excess junk deposited in the bathtub drain. After you’ve finished cleaning it all out by removing the drain cover, give it a slight flush of boiling water, and you’re good to go.

 Using A Plunger 

Plungers are less effective when the deposited junk is hard but is useful when only hair and a little dirt are at the bottom. Use a plunger with a bit of petroleum jelly attached to its mouth and plunge as hard as you can. The force will eventually unclog the drain and get the job done.

 Using A Toilet Jack 

Like using the wire hanger, a toilet jack is an S-shaped rod inserted deep into the drain, and the stuck grime is pulled out after a few tries. The pipe is then cleaned using boiled water.

 Cleaning The Pipe 

Place a bucket under the pipe so that the deposited filth can accumulate in it. Use a wrench to loosen the nuts ends line and turn the pipe upside down so that all the water and the grime can get inside the bucket.

Use a toothbrush to clean the insides pipe dirt sticking to the edges can be removed. Tighten the nuts of the line and put it back to its original position.

 How To Prevent Clogged Drains? 

Prevention is always better than cure, so try to avoid activities that can lead to clogged drains. Use a dustbin by the side of your bathroom and dump all sorts of solid wastes like wipes, tissue paper, napkins, papers, and even hair inside the trash.

Spray vinegar once a week on the drains to abolish the accumulation of grime inside over time. Keep your bathroom as clean as possible as unhealthy toilet facilities can be risky to your health.

Standing water is a nuisance and even hazardous to the environment in which we live, and keeping the air and water inside the bathrooms sanitary is key to having a healthy lifestyle. A foul odor and dirty bathtub drains can cause irritation and discomfort and harm our health.

Necessary precautionary measures towards solving this problem are the ultimate key to avoiding clogged drains permanently. Keeping our surroundings clean is thus the best way to get rid of such unhealthy situations arising from long-term standing water.

 Common Causes of a Clogged Bath Tub Drain 

Drain, Bathroom Sink, Sanitary, Water, Shower, Bathtub

Clogged pipes and drains problems go unnoticed for a long time. The clogging keeps deteriorating as time goes by. A clogged bathtub drain can give you the worst life experience. If the drain is entire, you will incur extra costs for the repairs. Flooding in your bathtub is another problem caused by clogged drains and may pose health risks.

Always keep counterchecking your bathtubs for clogging. Below are common causes of a clogged bathtub drain;


Hair is a significant cause of a clogged bathtub drain. As we enjoy our warm baths, hair shreds might fall off and flow to the drain. Of course, on shred won’t have any effect not until there are plenty of them. Due to the generous amount of oils on your hair, clogging is likely to happen. Install guards on your drain to prevent hair entry. Remove the hair from the guard often to avoid clogging.


It sounds like a joke, but soaps are the worst when it comes to drain clogging. Some soaps have oil or grease. If the water is unfiltered, water in the minerals mix with soap residue and form soap scum. The soap scum is likely to cause clogs in drains. Stains in the fittings may occur as a result of soap scums. Standing water in the bathtub is a sign of soap scum in the drain.

.Firstly, consider investing in the water filtration system. Also, think of changing your current soaps to oil-free soaps. Clean the water pipes to eliminate the soaps deposits in the pipes.


Dirt is another notorious cause of clogging in your drains. You may ponder where dirt in a bathtub can come from. However, a lot of dirt on your body may pile up in the bathtub drain, which clogs the drain. Wipe off excess dirt before entering the bathtub.

 Food Particles 

You may prefer enjoying your coffee and cake while enjoying a warm bath in your bathtub. Food particles may accidentally fall in the drain. Single-particle won’t cause clogging, but a substantial amount of food Particles in the drain leads to clogging.

The food Particles will eventually form cramps over time, which will be the leading cause of clogging. Avoid taking foods near bathtubs. Ensure you pick any food Particles near your bathtubs.

 Mineral Build-up 

Mineral Build-up is frequent in geographical regions with hard water. The harmful minerals dissolve in the water gradually. The toxic minerals in the water become large debris, thus clogging your drain. Invest in the water filtration and softeners’ installation.

Call for expert assistance if the drain is mineral-cogged; it is not easy to unclog such drains.

 Small Objects 

Nothing should go down a bathtub drain apart from used water. Small objects may slip in the bathtub and get into the drains during cleaning routines. Use clean washing materials free from tiny objects. If you wonder how to unclog a bathtub drain with standing water, seek professional assistance for a thorough unclogging.

 Features to Look For When Purchasing a Bathtub 

Bathtubs are containers placed in bathrooms filled with water meant for bathing. Both animals and human beings can use the tub. You can combine them with a shower, or they can just be stand-alone. Advanced bathtubs have faucets on them. In the past years, there were only rectangular tubs, but currently, new shapes are evolving. The standard color of the bathtub is white. Bathtubs also possess a plug that holds water in them.

Purchasing a bathtub may look all that easy with the aforementioned features, but there is more to that. Below is an overview of features to look for when buying a bathtub;

 Types and Styles 

Typical bathtubs are made of the following materials; acrylic, fiberglass. Enamel coated with iron cast or steel is also an ideal material for constructing a bathtub. There are other tubs made of copper, stone, wooden and composite materials. The most common bathtub color is white, although there are different rare colors like pink, blue, brown, etc.

Bathtubs’ shapes are not limited, but the common ones in the market are rectangular and oval. The size of your color determines the shape of your color. Another determining factor of the construction materials for your bathtubs is the size of your bathroom.

 Bathing Experience 

Interesting? Right. The time you take in showers or tabs varies from another person; some will take longer while others will be like a twinkle of an eye. However, it does not measure the cleanness degree of your cleanness. A short or long bath is a primary concern when choosing a bathtub. You may prefer to soak and relax while others will hurriedly scrub themselves and start the day.

Bath experience will determine the size and bathtub shape. If you enjoy a standing bath, then a medium bathtub is ideal for you. A large and rectangular bathtub is recommended if you like reclining when bathing. You could be the type that uses plenty of bathing water hence the need to purchase a deeper tub. If you are comfortable with medium volumes of bathing water, you choose the one that serves your needs.

 Shower Options 

If you prefer combining both the shower and the tub, think of the tub’s size and shape. The installation point of your shower can be simplified or complicated by your tab’s size and shape. However, if you don’t need both of hor, choose your preference for maximum satisfaction.


Before you purchase a bathtub, accurately measure the dimensions of your bathroom to avoid inconveniences, you may buy an extra-large tub only to find your bathroom is too small. A standard bathroom measures five feet long and thirty inches wide. Consult a contractor if you are unable to take accurate measurements.


Numerous factors determine the cost of your water tab. Different bathtub sizes will vary in price; the more significant the tub, the higher the cost of the tub. The style is another price determinant; standard types are cheaper compared to advanced ones. When still on the cost of a tub, it is advisable to understand the material of your preference

.Bathtub’s construction material will also determine the cost of your tub. Before settling for a specific tub, consider the cost. The next bit of cost consideration is the installation cost. It will still vary depending on the size, material, and weight of the tub. Why are three factors crucial? Simply because they will determine the type of reinforcement you require holding your tub in a stable, strong position.

The maintenance cost is another primary concern, especially for the advanced tubs. The advanced bathtubs have unique features like jets that call for regular maintenance; hence, you incur extra costs. Seek an expert’s advice before settling for a bathtub.


Weight is another major concern when buying a bathtub. It is a second concern after size. The weight of your bathtub is crucial since it goes hand in hand with security measures. A heavy tub requires extra reinforcement if your bathroom is on a higher floor. Avoid heavy tub’s with rich materials to avoid accidents. How? Extra-heavy tubs with inappropriate reinforcement can push them through the storey floors hence possible accidents.

Bathtubs made of copper and cast iron require very stable enforcement. Always seek a contractor’s assistance to settling on the wrong bathtub.


The next consideration in line is the construction of your bathtub. Most of the water bathtub is made of acrylic or fiberglass. These two are pocket-friendly and light in weight. However, fiberglass, in the long run, can be expensive and not durable. Fiberglass is vulnerable to scratches and chipping. Its worst thing is its porous nature; thus, it will absorb water over time.

Acrylic bathtub pros outweigh the fiberglass tub, thus making an ideal choice for a tub. The acrylic tub is good at retaining heat; hence a suitable energy server. The cast iron tub is the strongest in the market in addition to its fantastic durability. It is also good at retaining heat, but it’s pretty expensive.

The steel tube is known for being affordable, how its durability is the worst among all. It chips off uncontrollably within no time.

 Tub Lighting 

Tub Lighting is an additional feature that offers chromatherapy benefits and a fantastic bathing feeling.


A warranty guarantees you that your bathtub is of high quality. It is an assurance of repairs and replacement should anything happen. You can operate the tub with confidence since the warranty is here to console your worries. Ask for warranty details before buying a water tub.

 Custom Faucet 

At times a little change can make a difference. Changes are an indication of technological advancement. Mounting a faucet on your bathtub will customize the appearance of your tub. You want to run water in another elegant manner. However, such bathtubs will cost you more than the typical ones. The maintenance of the faucet is routine, meaning you will incur other extra costs in the future. Please don’t be enticed customized; consider the future inconveniences.

The features mentioned above are worth looking at before buying a water tub. You want to enjoy your bath and feel a relaxation sensation; lack of these features may come with future regrets.

 Signs of a Clogged Bathroom Drain 

A clogged drain be should the last thing to think of or wish for. It is an experience that can make you hate bathing from a tub. However, fixing the problem earlier enough can cause damages. Prolonged wait before you unclogging the may cost you a fortune. It is not that easy to identify a wholly clogged tub drain; therefore, be wary of warning signs.

Here are some of the symptoms of a clogged bathtub drain;


Unpleasant in from your bathtub drain is a warning sign of blockage. The reason behind the odor is the stagnant water in the drain. Decomposing food particles can also produce unpleasant smells; the decomposing happens gradually. Harmful minerals like iron and lead build-up may cause a bad smell. Prevention is better than cure; therefore, invest in a water filtration system to keep the toxic minerals away.

After realizing that the tub is clogged, try flushing out the sediments with clean water. If that won’t walk, you can go the chemical way. Standing water in the tub can cause unpleasant smells if it stays unattended.

 Slow Drain 

A slow drain is when water flows to outlet pipes unusually slow. It is an indication of semi-permanent blockage or clog. Check the tub plug for stopper status if you notice a slow drain. During the examination, identify the possible cause of the clogging so that you can easily unblock it; if the clog results from soap sum and grease, put a substantial amount into the drain as a start.

Go ahead and add vinegar to the drain. Let it lie for a while and flush water in the drain.

 Gurgling Noise 

Gurgling noise symbolizes a clog in your bathtub’s drain. The noises result from poor airflow in the drain due to blockage. They are noticeable after running water into your bathtub. The noises indicate the possibility of clogging in the bathtub drain. The solution for the noises is plunging the tub drain to remove the debris.

If the noises persist, reach out to an expert for assistance.

 Numerous Clogged Drains 

In your home, there are several drains; all of them are vulnerable to clogging, especially if you don’t have a filtration system. Many clogged drains in your home symbolize a severe problem in your plumbing system. Talk to your plumber soon enough to avoid severe damages. Your bathtub drain also is facing clogging issues like the other drains.

 Water Coming Out from Various Drains 

The wastewater in the bathtub drain should be strictly from the bathtub. If you notice wastewater in your tub from other drains, there is a clogged drain. The blockage may have occurred beyond the central point of the drains. Such situations require a professional to unclog the drains since it’s a complicated blockage.

 Puddles of Water Near the Bathtub Surface 

Normally your bathtub should empty itself dry after draining the bathing water. Shallow flooding near the bathtub signifies a blocked drain. Regular water puddles near the may lead to the growth of mildew in your tub mildew is exceptionally harmful to your health. It may also damage the walls of the bathtub. Try to force the water into the drain.

If the problem persists, seek a plumber’s help before things get of hand.

The symptoms above are a warning that you might be having a clogged tub drain. You can either fix it up yourself but hire a professional plumber for complex and complicated situations. Most importantly, invest in water filtration systems to keep debris and harmful minerals in your plumbing system. Please consider installing guards also.


A clogged drain is that nightmare you will not like to wake up to. You may not enjoy your warm baths as usual due to a clogged drain. But the sooner you identify a clog for quick repairs and unclogging. Buying a bathtub has never been easy since there are numerous models in the market; a simple guide above will take you through the purchasing process.

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